Legacy Products

1000, 2000 and 3000 Series

[:en]Discontinued control panel range.[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel range.[:]


[:en]Discontinued external sounder.[:]


[:en]Break glass detector[:zh]玻璃破碎探测器
[:it]Rilevatore acustico di rottura vetro, con copertura 360°

[:es]Detector de rotura de cristal[:pt]Detetor de quebra de vidro[:pb]Detector de quebra de vidro[:ru]Детектор разбития стекла[:pl]Czujka zbicia szyby[:fr]Détecteur de bris de glace[:]

COLT Range

[:en]Discontinued Colt range of detectors.[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel[:]

DIGI-GPRS (Pre 2021)

[:en]GPRS communicator discontinued in early 2021.[:]


[:en]GSM Modem for the Enforcer[:zh]用于Enforcer的GSM调制解调器
[:it]Modem GSM per l’Enforcer[:es]Módem GSM para Enforcer[:pt]Modem GSM para o Enforcer[:pb]Modem GSM para o Enforcer[:ru]GSM-модем для системы Enforcer[:pl]Modem GSM do Enforcer[:fr]Modem GSM pour Enforcer[:]

Eclipse Range

[:en]Discontinued range of detectors[:]

Enforcer V10

[:en]Discontinued control panel.[:zh]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:it]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:es]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:pt]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:pb]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:ru]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:pl]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:fr]The brand new Enforcer V10 detects, communicates, interacts and raises the alarm in more ways than ever before.[:]

Equinox Range

[:en]Discontinued range of detectors.[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel.[:]

Euro Meridian

[:en]Discontinued control panel range.[:]

EURO Mini Prox

[:en]Discontinued control panel[:zh]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:it]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:es]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:pt]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:pb]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:ru]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:pl]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:fr]Entry level wired control panel for domestic properties[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel.[:]


[:en]Discontinued external sounder range.[:]

Magnum Range

[:en]Discontinued Magnum range of detectors.[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel.[:]

Octopus Range

[:en]Discontinued Octopus range of detectors.[:]


[:en]Discontinued control panel.[:]

Paragon Range

[:en]Discontinued control panel range.[:]

Sterling 10

[:en]Discontinued control panel[:]

V2 GSM Speech Dialler

[:en]GSM speech dialler with automation control[:zh]GSM语音拨号器,配有自动化控制
[:it]Combinatore vocale GSM con controllo automazioni
[:es]Marcador de voz GSM con control automatizado[:pt]Marcador de voz GSM com controlo de automação[:pb]Comunicador por voz GSM com controle de automação[:ru]Голосовой GSM-коммуникатор с автоматическими функциями управления[:pl]Dialer głosowy GSM umożliwiający sterowanie automatyką[:fr]Transmetteur téléphonique GSM avec contrôle de l’automatisation[:]


[:en]Discontinued speech dialler.[:]